% These pics are just examples , you should choose a picture and put it to the same
% folder that your matlab (.m) file also exists. After that you should only call it in the
% imread function as shown in the code :
% RGB to gray
% In double format
% computing size m,n
[m n] = size(I);
% Computing s = c * (r ^ gamma) where r and gamma are positive constants
c = 2;
g =[0.5 0.9 3 6];% Gamma Correction Array
for p = 1 : m
for q = 1 : n
I3(p, q) = c * I(p, q).^ g(1);
I4(p, q) = c * I(p, q).^ g(2);
I5(p, q) = c * I(p, q).^ g(3);
I6(p, q) = c * I(p, q).^ g(4);
figure(3), imshow(I3);title('Power‐law transformation‐darkest');xlabel('Gamma='),xlabel(0.5);
figure(4), imshow(I4);title('Power‐law transformation‐dark');xlabel('Gamma='),xlabel(0.9);
figure(5), imshow(I5);title('Power‐law transformation‐light');xlabel('Gamma='),xlabel(3);
figure(6), imshow(I6);title('Power‐law transformation‐lightest');xlabel('Gamma='),xlabel(6);
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